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110 |馬藤萍|普世博物館的普世價值:以「阿布達比羅浮宮」為例 / The concept of universal museum : The case of Louvre Abu Dhabi La notion du musée universel / Le cas du « Louvre Abu Dhabi »




近年來,全球化效應下,文化發展的重要性越深植人心,於藝術、教育乃至於文化觀光等 各軟實力項目的經營,皆可見各國群體針對自身文化特色,提出與之相應的發展策略。於此概 念下,以博物館為核心的藝術建設,更成為了各國文化事業的重中之重;不論是已具成熟經驗 的歐美博物館群,抑或是甫獨立的非西方新興國家,博物館作為記錄歷史、保存人類文化產物、 最大化體現各群體特殊性,且能彰顯其擁有者之文化豐富與包容性的一公開場所,無不使博物 館機構於當前的全球化語境中,扮演了重要的文化角色。
另一方面,鑑於文化多樣性與後殖民主義意識的抬頭,長期以西方為首的博物館經營,如 羅浮宮、大英博物館與大都會美術館等,亦開始受到非西方地區的挑戰,尤其針對藏有甚多異 國文物的歐美知名藝術機構,在文物蒐羅過程中的合法性;其中,以主打展藏世界性藝術的「普 世博物館」一類型機構,即是主要的爭議對象,甚且面臨了各文物源出國的返還聲討。然而, 於此情勢下,於 2007 年,隨著法國與阿聯以共創一座普世博物館為理想的跨文化合作,就此 誕生的阿布達比羅浮宮,成為了阿拉伯世界首座普世博物館,卻同時也被寄予了如何提供不同 於過去的經營思維,以回應當代社會對該類型藝術機構的期待。
因此,除了梳理歐美普世博物館群之發展脈絡,本論文旨在以阿布達比羅浮宮的建構為核心,乃至於法國與阿聯這場標誌性的跨國博物館合作,何以適切地反映多元文化發展與普世理 想於全球化世界下的重要性。


In recent years, the concept of cultural development is becoming more important in a globalized world. It can be seen that each country has different cultural projects based on their own cultural characteristics from fields such art, education and tourism. In this trend, whether for the Western art institutions which have had extensive experience of museum management, or for non-Western emerging countries which are working on developing cultural undertakings, the creation of art museums has become a core part of the cultural constructions. As a public space, a museum has the function of recording history, preserving cultural artifacts, maximizing specificity for every ethnic group in the world, or even showing the cultural inclusiveness of its owners. Put simply, these characteristics make museum institutions play a significant cultural role in contemporary society.
On the other hand, due to the effects of cultural diversity and postcolonialism, the hegemony of Western art and cultural field has been challenged, especially for the Louvre, the British Museum, the Metropolitan Art Museum and others large and famous Western museums which are self-declared “universal museum” with the collections of art from all over the world, even though they are facing the debate over the restitution of cultural properties from the countries of origin.
However, with these controversies involving Western art museums, the Louvre Abu Dhabi was still born out of an intercultural cooperation between France and the United Arab Emirates in 2007. This first universal museum in the Arab world arouses again a heated debate about the legitimacy and the value of “universal museums”, but attempts to provide a new perspective at the same time.
Therefore, this thesis not only aims to sort out the development contexts of European and American universal museums at first, but will also take the Louvre Abu Dhabi as an example to elaborate the creation and breakthrough of this new universal museum, and even now the significant international museum collaboration between France and the United Arab Emirates reflects the importance of multicultural development and universal ideals in a globalized world.


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