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107|楊椀淩|國立故宮博物院與法國博物館合作展之文化行銷 / Cultural Marketing of National Palace Museum in Exhibition in Cooperation with French Museum / La promotion culturelle des expositions du Musée National du Palais de Taipei et des musées français

指導教授:梁蓉、Olivier CHATELAN

口試委員:Fabienne BOISSIERAS


本研究欲對國立故宮博物院與法國國立博物館合作展之文化行銷做整體探討,釐清合作展的重要性與意義。首先,從比較臺法博物館運作模式及文化保存工作著手。接著,基於故宮博物院特殊的歷史背景,對其進行一九四五年後各個時期的營運方向分析。第三章,針對『玉:從帝王尊榮到裝飾風的藝術』與『印象.左岸 奧塞美術館30週年大展』兩個特展的合作模式進行個案研究。以了解臺法國立博物館在博物館產業中所扮演的角色及其所注重的價值,並探討博物館如何行銷文化以發展更多可能,同時思考博物館在當代的意義與功能。

基於上述研究目的,本研究所探討的議題如下 :





This paper aims to analyze the cultural promotion realized by the exhibitions organized in cooperation with the National Palace Museum and the French museums, and to investigate the importance and the meaning of the cooperatives exhibitions. Firstly, we compare the modes of museum management and the measures of cultural preservation adopted in France and in Taiwan. Secondly, considering the complicated historical background of the National Palace Museum, which makes it easy to get involved in political discussions, by setting the year of 1945 as a boundary, we try to explore the rulers’ policies and the responding strategies of the National Palace Museum toward every changes. The third part, we take the Guimet Museum’s “Jade : Des empereurs à l’art déco” and the National Palace Museum’s “Exposition du 30ème anniversaire du Musée d’Orsay” as the samples. The purposes are to probe the roles of the French and Taiwanese national museums and the value emphasized in these museum cooperations, to explore more possibilities created by the cultural promotion in the museums, and to deliberate the meaning and the function of the day of the museums.

To achieve the above-mentioned purposes, the following subjects are set :

I. The process of the administratif corporatization of the museums in France and in Taiwan.

II. How the nationalism influences the strategies of the National Palace Museum which belongs to the Executive Yuan in the process of the cultural promotion ?

III. If the National Palace Museum could realize efficiently the responsibility of the cultural promotion with its current organization in the exhibitions in cooperation with French museums ?


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