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101|張渟|決定性瞬間攝影美學概念分析 / Aesthetic Analysis of the “”Decisive Instant”” of Henri Cartier-Breton / Analyse esthetique du concept d’« Instant decisif » d’Henri Cartier-Bresson

指導教授:徐鵬飛、Mauro Carbone

口試委員:Stephane Madelrieux



本論文以二十世紀的法國攝影大師—亨利 卡提耶˙布列松,他所提出的「決定性瞬間」攝影論點,作為一種瞭解攝影本質途徑。「決定性瞬間」可說是攝影學中,被許多攝影師奉為信條的一種攝影美學。作為攝影師透過鏡頭尋找的影像,它可被視為是一種完美地呈現攝影定格的表現美學。人們提及攝影,無法不提及「決定性瞬間」,對觀看照片的人而言,也可視為是一種解讀影像詮釋的看法。


為實行這個研究,本文將借鏡兩篇評論文獻:羅蘭巴特的《明室》( La chambre claire – Note sur la photographie)與劉勰的《文心雕龍》,提供東西方視點的美學賞析,運用這兩本著作中的部分觀點,作為本論文的研究方法,同時架構本文評析「決定性瞬間」獨立的見解。




In a world where digital cameras are used by everyone, we usually take such device for granted : we take the camera and shoot, as if there is nothing more to be reconsiderated in this action. As a result, in this research we intend to return to the concept of « the decisive moment » proposed by Henri Cartier-Bresson in the begining of twentieth century, in order to rexplore (elaborate) the possible relationships inter the photo-reader, the photo and the photagrapher. At the same time, our research is based on two documents: La chambre claire-Note sur la photographie by Roland Barthes and Wenxin diaolong (《文心雕龍》) by Liu Xin (劉勰) which provide the examples of aesthetics analysis from both east and west.
In this research, firstly, we revise the book of Barthes to know how he analyses the aesthetic of image. Secondly, an analysis of the photos of Cartier-Bresson is required. Thirdly, we go into the concept “the decisive moment” and compare this idea with other forms of arts. Finally, by using Wenxin diaolong, we try to understand the western born technique in eastern aesthetic theory.
The photographe, especially the action “shoot” requires specific conditions to create one chance of shooting. Furthermore, the photo actually, preexisted in the mind of the photographer while the result photo is one of the interpretations of the thought of the photographer. Meanwhile, the photo-reader might not read the photo as the photographer read, thus create many interpretations while only “one moment” preserves in the photo. To sum up, this research provides both the vision east and west considering the analyses of photo and finds out many relationships possible inter the photo-reader, the photo and the photographer in nowadays world where their relationships seems to be simple and nearly dead.


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